Statement from Everton Football Club regarding pitch invasions

Everton Football Club wishes to remind supporters that entering the field of play is a criminal offence.

The Club is committed to the Premier League, FA and EFL’s collective stance in tackling anti-social and criminal behaviour at football matches and will take a zero-tolerance approach to pitch encroachment during the 2022/23 campaign.

Stadium bans - and even criminal prosecution - can and will be enforced to punish anyone that enters the playing area.

The Club is legally compelled to work with the authorities to identify any individuals who take part in such activity. This also applies to the use of any pyrotechnics (smoke grenades and or flares) and the throwing of objects of any description on to the pitch. These acts are dangerous, illegal and have severe consequences.

The trend of children being sent on to the pitch has recently increased in prevalence and this cannot and will not be tolerated. In this instance the Club will be forced to issue lengthy stadium bans to the parents or guardians of any young people who encroach on to the playing area before, during or after the match.

Parents and guardians are reminded of their responsibility.

CCTV is available to both the Club and law enforcement authorities and can be used as evidence in enforcing bans and criminal prosecution in the days and weeks after any incident has occurred, regardless if any perpetrators have been detained on a matchday or not.

Any prosecution could result in a criminal record, which may affect current and future employment, or for young people current or future education opportunities. In some cases prosecution could end in a prison sentence.

The FA recently confirmed it will be enforcing a tougher charging sanctioning policy for clubs. Therefore, all supporters are urged to understand that if the Club fails to comply with the Ground Safety Regulations, set out within Goodison Park’s Ground Safety Certificate, the Club will face punishment which could include a partial or full closure of the stadium to supporters.

The Club values and embraces the vital role supporters play in making Goodison Park such a special place on matchdays. However, support must always be done legally while also ensuring the health and safety of fellow fans and Club staff.

The passion, fervour and dedication of Everton supporters is something Frank Lampard and his players appreciate and don’t want to see impacted. Therefore, it is paramount the Club takes strong action against anyone who breaches the playing area, endangers the safety of others by using pyrotechnics or by throwing any objects on to the pitch.