Statement from Southport Pier Pavillion

Southport Pier

Good morning all,
Just to clarify and stop the rumours.

The air show tickets are not for sale for the pier as a precaution.

We are awaiting results from the surveyors who are still on the pier. We should have results very soon. They will tell us whether we can re open in the interim whilst the council procures a company to change all of the boards.

When the work does eventually begin, because let’s be honest it’s taking it’s time and we are as frustrated as you all, then we will hopefully be having half done then the other half. So half of the pier will be open half at a time. Then we will end up with a nice new pier for next year.

So the best case scenario is that we are allowed to re open whilst we await a company being chosen (which could take months) and then a partial open whilst the works are being carried out.

Worst case is that the surveyors deem the pier “unsafe” (which again everyone has their own opinions on) and we have to sit and watch our pier sat closed with no work happening until this company is secured. Could be the end of the season at this rate.

So please bare with us and ignore the rumours. No matter what whether the pier is open in the interim there will be no air show tickets as it’s still unknown when the works will begin.

Either way it’s a lose situation for us as if the pier is deemed safe by these surveyors it means that we have had our business unnecessarily closed down and this hasn’t been done fast enough. Ten staff members have been put out of work with ZERO notice and it’s very damaging for any business to be expected to just reopen again at a moments notice.

Thanks for reading and HOPING to see you all soon