Stolen car found burnt out in Dobbies Car Park Southport


A car found burnt out on the car park of Dobbies Garden Centre in Southport has been confirmed to be the silver Ford Fiesta stolen from Lynton Road last Friday evening.

We now know the car was stripped of some parts and then set on fire at approximately 9:25pm on Friday evening, the day before we posted our appeal for information to help find the car. (The burnt out car was not reported until Monday12th)

We are now appealing for anyone with dash cam footage from Benthams Way last Friday night, that may have captured a silver Ford Fiesta driving onto or off Dobbies car park between 9:15pm and 9:30pm, as we now believe a second silver Ford Fiesta was involved in the theft and burning of the car.

If you think you have footage that may help, please contact us via the MERSEYSIDE POLICE CONTACT CENTRE Facebook page and quote crime reference number 22000908416.