Summer strike action escalates as 500 Liverpool bus drivers demand comparable pay


Lack of acceptable offer from Stagecoach has led to fresh walk outs
Nearly 500 Liverpool Stagecoach bus drivers will escalate their pay dispute with further strike action this summer, Unite, the UK’s leading union, said today (Friday).
The workers are angry over the huge disparity between their pay and that of Arriva Liverpool drivers. Arriva drivers are paid £1.40 more an hour, equating to around £3,000 a year, for performing the same role.
Drivers are to strike from 5-8 July and 12-15 July with the threat of an all-out continuous strike if Stagecoach is not prepared to make a pay offer acceptable to members. 
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said:
“For too long Stagecoach has got away with paying its Liverpool drivers on the cheap. This shows a total lack of respect and appreciation for its workers, without whom there would be no bus service, and for the communities on Merseyside who rely on their buses.
“Unite’s Liverpool Stagecoach members have their union’s total backing in striking for a fair pay rise.”
Stagecoach is a profitable company that announced revenues of £773.2 million for the half year to 28 October 2023, up from £669.6 million during the previous six months. 
Unite regional officer Brian Troake said:
“Our members have been forced into strike action by Stagecoach’s continued attempts to keep them on unfair rates of pay. Stagecoach owes the traveling public an abject apology for the disruption it will cause.
“Further industrial action could be avoided, but that requires Stagecoach to return to the negotiating table with an offer our members can accept.”
Strikes on 24 and 25 June had already been announced.