Sustrans meeting regarding "Liveable Neighbourhood" in Southport busy but not informative

The meeting being held at the Salvation Army Hall in Shakespeare Street was busy with concerned residents. Several tables were laid out with maps of the proposed areas on them.
Sustrans tried to place the blame for the leaflet drop on the company they hired to do it.
Each table had a representative of Sustrans there to answer your questions and comments on the proposed road closures.
You had to put your comments on a sticky note which was attached to the map.
The Sustrans representatives were well drilled in giving the climate change get on your bike or walk mantra.

The guy I spoke to was clueless as to the impact the proposals will have on a large area of Southport. They seem to have forgotten that a railway line runs right through the middle of this ill thought scheme.
He was happy to say how traffic would be reduced in the blocked off areas but was not informative that the people who live in the blocked off areas will have to travel further in some instances to get where they want to go.
And to add insult to injury the Sustrans rep was not even from the area.
Comments are starting to appear on Social media.
Just attended drop in re closures. It’s organised chaos. Couldn’t find my name even though I had booked a space. Only allowed 10 minutes which isn’t enough and doesn’t seem like they really want to listen
When I pointed out that all their plans funnelled all traffic onto already congested roads, they admitted that some people may have to travel further!! From Birkdale direction all cars (I think) will need to travel Cemetery Rd, Ash St, onto Scarisbrick New Rd (already congested as it’s the main route from Ormskirk) past Hampton Rd with St Philip’s Primary School (so diverting traffic towards this school) and along to Eastbank St (busy) and Lord Street (v.busy). How are people on these routes going to be able to drive out of their houses? I think the value of these homes will fall as a result of the increased traffic. I asked about specific routes that didn’t make sense and, for example, people having to drive round almost in a circle to be able to leave their homes! Or being directed towards a one way street going the wrong way!
Whenever I mentioned specific streets, I had to find it for them on the map as they’re from Manchester (the people I spoke to anyway) and don’t know the roads at all. Looking at the map, I then realised that one of the worst junctions for safety in Southport, as lots of accidents occur almost weekly, is at the lights by the garage on Cemetery Rd. No changes planned for this at all, as they are not aware there is a problem at this junction (as absolutely no local knowledge). I was told that they have worked with a local person but wouldn’t say who.
Neither would they give the name of the designer/planner.
All suggestions they wanted written on post-it notes and then stuck around the map (clearly been on a course about how to engage with people). I said that I had so many comments that it would be better if I emailed them but she was unable to supply an email address for me to use!!
Afterwards, outside, spoke to lots of people angered by the plans. Only about 30 were there but all equally passionate! Chantelle addressed the group explaining how the plans will isolate her as no one seems to have taken into account the disabled who rely on a car to get around (within the Zone). Other protesters (also disabled ) are worried that they’ll be unable to get out of their home as it’s on the already congested Eastbank Street. They feel the disabled are being discriminated against!
Others spoke of their worries about increased traffic and possible gridlock. Also fears of response times for emergency services (I was told that the police have no objections) however local police officers (and fire and ambulance services too) have said differently.
Agreed that we need to try and keep party politics out of this. We need to come together if we are to have any chance of success.