Teenagers arrested in Southport town centre as anti social behaviour increases during half term

Following an increase in reports of youth related anti-social behaviour in Southport town centre and seafront areas, Local Policing Team Officers from Southport Police Station have been focusing on this issue.

Last Saturday, two boys, aged 15 and 11 were arrested in the town centre for concern in the supply of cannabis. Investigations into these offences continue.

On Tuesday 5 boys and girls were stop searched after a complaint from a town centre store about the behaviour of the young people in the shop. These searches resulted in two of the young people aged 11 and 14 being arrested for two incidents of criminal damage and two public order offences. 

Yesterday, Wednesday 16th February, two teenaged girls were arrested for two more public order offences in another town centre store and two incidents of assault . Investigations continue and both were issued with banning letters on behalf of the store, as an interim measure.

With more suspects to locate for other incidents in the town centre, high visibility patrols will continue and we will work with partner agencies to identify those responsible for acts of anti-social behaviour and crime in Southport. 

The behaviour being reported is not acceptable and we will continue to bring people in who are responsible for it. Parents/carers can have a big part to play in reducing these issues by being aware of where their teenagers go when they are out, who they are with and what they may be doing.