Tenants can have their say in Tenant Satisfaction Survey


Tenants can give their views on the housing services we provide
Your feedback will be used to identify improvements and shape how we deliver our services
Survey closes Friday 24 March

West Lancashire Borough Council have launched a Tenant Satisfaction Survey to give tenants the opportunity to have their say on the housing services they receive.

We are committed to ensuring our tenants receive the best service possible and that their voices are heard and shape our decisions. We value all feedback about our services and see this as an opportunity to learn, adapt and improve, so that our customers can have confidence in us to deliver a quality standard of service. 

To keep the survey independent, we have commissioned a company called NWA Social and Market Research to carry out the consultation.

The survey has been posted to a random sample of tenants by ward to ensure there is an equal opportunity for people across the Borough to respond. 

Portfolio holder for Housing and Landlord Services, Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts, said: "If you live in a council property, we really want to hear your thoughts on the housing services we provide so you can directly influence decisions that impact you.

"This is your chance to let us know what your priorities are. We will listen to and duly consider all your feedback so that we can further achieve our priority to create empowered, engaged, and inclusive communities."

Tenants who have not received a survey by post are also encouraged to have their views heard by visiting our tenant feedback hub on our consultation platform Your Voice West Lancashire. Tenants can access the Tenant Hub with the same login details as the Your Voice West Lancashire site.

Survey closes 24 March 2023.