The Geese are starting to arrive. Thousands flying over Southport this evening


Thousands of Geese have been flying over Southport late this afternoon and into early evening. Many of them are making their way to Martin Mere to rest and feed. The spectacle will continue through the Autumn months.

Pink-footed geese return to Martin Mere in the autumn in huge numbers as they use the centre as a ‘service station’ to refuel in order to continue with the migration.Up to 40,000 geese may use the reserve as a safe roosting point, flying in and out if the reserve as weather and food dictates, creating a magical display of feather and flight.

Many duck, geese, swans and other wetland birds spend their summers breeding north of the Arctic Circle. A trickle of the ducks and geese will now start to appear at Martin Mere but the main arrivals and passage through Martin Mere for these species will be in October and November. However, for the group of birds collectively known as waders, September is the peak month for seeing both a variety of species and large numbers on our reserve