Tiger killed at Knowsley Safari Park after suffering fatal injuries

dead tiger

In a statement the Park said...

We are sad to announce the loss of Sinda, our 14-year-old female Amur Tiger. Sinda sustained fatal injuries during a mixing with our male tiger, Miron, as part of a European breeding programme, on Saturday 12th November 2022.

Miron arrived at Knowsley Safari in 2020, he’d been mixed with Sinda successfully on several previous occasions. This introduction, like previous ones, was carefully managed by our expert animal team, taking into account each tiger’s behaviour and following the same rigorous procedures.

Before the mixing, normal positive character traits were seen with no signs of aggression. Due to the speed of the incident, there was unfortunately nothing that could be done to intervene and Sinda died instantly from her injuries.

Sinda was a very popular tiger with visitors and keepers alike and had been at Knowsley Safari since 2010 – she will be greatly missed.

Our focus is now on ensuring that both our team and Miron are cared for during this difficult time.
We have tried to answer any questions you may have here: https://fal.cn/3tDMb