Triple Nominations for Woodlands in Petplan & ADCH Awards


Woodlands – Petplan & ADCH Animal Charity Awards nominees

Woodlands Animal Sanctuary would like to thank everyone who has nominated them and their team and volunteers for the Petplan & ADCH Animal Charity Awards 2024.  They have received nominations in all three categories; Woodlands itself for best Animal Charity Team of the year, three members of staff, Alex, Grace and Terry, in the staff category and 6 volunteers, two of which are trustees of Woodlands, who put in many unseen hours of time, all on a voluntary basis.

Woodlands always credit their successes and happy endings to teamwork & being able to acknowledge this in such a fabulous way feels really special to them.  It has also been lovely to see the reactions of those individuals who have been nominated – to see the surprise and pleasure, just the nomination has brought.

There has been over 7000 nominations for the 2024 awards and the panel of judges now has the difficult task of whittling the nominations down to just three for each category.  These 9 finalists will then be invited to the awards ceremony, where the winners will be announced.  

If you would like to find out more about the awards visit

This week Woodlands is welcoming some new volunteers who went to their volunteer open day last weekend.  It is always lovely to see the enthusiasm and passion people can bring to these situations.  The team would like to thank everyone who came on Saturday and look forwards to seeing everyone who wants to become a part of the team in some way.

