Two men arrested after police officers injured in fail to stop collision


Two wanted men have been arrested in Liverpool when several vehicles were damaged after a car failed to stop for police.

Yesterday morning (Tuesday 14 February) at around 10.20am officers in plain clothing attempted to stop a Black Ford Puma however the vehicle attempted to drive off from police in the Waterloo area.

The vehicle drove onto the pavement damaging several cars before crashing into an unmarked police vehicle. The two occupants refused to engage with the police and were removed from the vehicle.

One man aged 29 from Netherton was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle, assault and recall to prison. Another man aged 23 from Litherland was found to be wanted for dangerous driving and also arrested for possession of a controlled drug, and unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle.

They were taken to a police station in Merseyside where one has since been released under investigation and the other remains in custody.

Following the arrest officers searched an address in the City Centre and seized £1500 - £2000 from the property.

Two police officers received minor injuries as a result of the collision.

Local Policing Sergeant, Kris Allinson said: “Thanks to the swift actions and bravery of our officers two wanted men have been arrested who could have caused a serious accident in the area.

“I hope this arrest shows that there is no hiding place for anyone who is evading police.

“These actions by our officers are about stopping anyone who could cause fear and harm in our community and anyone who is wanted – either in connection with ongoing investigations or when they have their licence revoked.”

Anyone with any more information can contact us via @MerPolCC on Twitter or Merseyside Police Contact Centre on Facebook, with reference 23000130992.

You can also pass information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or contact them via their online form at: Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.