Two teenagers jailed following robbery and stabbing in Formby


Police are welcoming the sentencing of two men to a total of 17 years in prison following a robbery and stabbing in Formby last year.

Micky Teany, 19 (pictured right), of Hawthorne Drive, Northwood, Kirkby was sentenced to 9 years in prison for Section 18 wounding, robbery; and theft

Sonny Collins, 19 (pictured left), of no fixed abode, was sentenced to 8 years in prison for Robbery, possession of a bladed article; and theft. Both were sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court yesterday, Thursday 23 February.

At around 4pm on Tuesday 8 March 2022, a 14-year-old boy was with a friend in Duke Street Park, when he was approached by two men later identified as Collins and Teany. 

Collins produced a knife and demanded the victim’s mountain bike, which was taken from him. Around an hour later, the boy’s brother (aged 16) travelled to Formby to meet the robbery victim, when they noticed the distinctive being used by Collins and Teany.

The robbery victim’s brother challenged the suspects, at which point Teany produced a knife and stabbed him in the side, causing a deep puncture wound and a punctured lung. He is continuing to recover.

Collins pled guilty on his first hearing. Teany went to trial and was found guilty.

Speaking after the trial, Detective Chief Inspector Ben Dyer: “This was an appalling attack which sadly highlights the profound consequences of carrying a knife. It is by sheer luck that the victim of this stabbing was not more seriously injured or killed, although the effects on them are of course long-lasting and we wish them both a continued recovery from this traumatic event. 

“For two young boys to be targeted when wanting to spend time in a local park with friends is abhorrent, and hopefully today’s sentencing gives them some comfort moving forward, and shows our commitment to keeping public spaces as safe as possible, to be enjoyed.

“Teany compounded this suffering with his refusal to plead guilty, but justice has now been served. The recklessness and absurdity of carrying a knife in order to steal a bicycle is something that needs to be a stark reminder to young people across Merseyside. You run the risk of destroying the lives of others, and of course both Teany and Collins will both now face the consequences of that afternoon on their own futures. They are still young enough to rebuild their lives, but it is also extremely lucky that their victim has the same opportunity. 

“Carrying a knife, for whatever reason, is likely to lead to such an outcome, and we will continue to spend time with young people to educate and deter them from destroying lives.”

If you would like to report someone in possession of a knife, know whether they are being hidden or are simply concerned about your loved one, please contact us @MerPolCC or via CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111, or the Fearless campaign website: Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.