Two-year Criminal Behaviour Order bans woman from city centre

rough woman

A 53-year-old woman from Everton has been issued with a two-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) following the assault of a security guard in Liverpool city centre.

On Sunday 22 January a woman was stopped by security guards in Williamson Square and found several items from different stores in her bag. The suspect became aggressive while being detained and assaulted one of the staff.

Maxine Hunter of Lester Close was charged with theft from a shop and assault. She pleaded guilty to both offences.

At Liverpool Magistrates Court on Monday 20 March, she was issued with a community service order and a Criminal Behaviour Order which bans her from entering the city centre.

The Criminal Behaviour Order prohibits her from: Not to entering the area bounded by and including Dale Street (Queensway) Water Street, The Strand, and including the junction with Liver Street on to Paradise Street to Hanover Street, Ranelagh Street, Renshaw Street, Copperas Hill, Lime Street, St George's Place, St John's Lane and Old Haymarket.

Community Policing Sergeant Charles Cottier said: “Security staff provide a valued service to the public and should not be subjected to assault or feel intimidated or threatened while trying to earn an honest living.

“Hunter was caught with several items stolen from shops and struck the security guard when she was apprehended.

“Thefts from businesses is not a victimless crime as they have a huge impact on the community in many ways.

“If Hunter steps as much as one millimetre inside the prohibited area then she will be arrested and possibly imprisoned.”

Anyone with information on vehicle crime can to speak to local officers or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.