Unveiled: Shocking Daily Average of Drink and Drug Driving Arrests in Lancashire

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In the last 12 months, over 2,600 people have been arrested for impaired driving offences. This is an average of 7 per day.  

Lancashire’s roads policing officers are using intelligence to target repeat drink and drug drivers, as a part of Operation Virage. The operation will see officers across Lancashire dedicate time and resources to tracking down and arresting some of the county's drink and drug drivers.   

Their activity will be revving up this Summer as new funding, secured by the Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw, enables more dedicated hours and specialist equipment to be devoted to the operation. 

This summer, we ask that you stay sensible and safe. If you are planning to go for a drink, do not drive. Arrange a lift, book a taxi or have a designated driver in your group. Please check in with friends and family members to remind them that if they choose to drink or drug drive, they will be getting stopped, tested and convicted.  

If you would like to learn more about drink or drug driving (including driving whilst taking prescription drugs) please visit our website. 
