Vandals damage Southport Christmas tree during the night

An appeal for witnesses has been made after Southport’s Christmas tree was once again vandalised in the early hours of this morning (Monday, 27th December).

Substantial damage was done to the illuminated structure and people who saw the destruction taking place, or who knows anyone involved, are asked to phone Merseyside Police.

The vandalism is believed to have happened some time around 6.30am.

CCTV footage is being examined.

The tree is provided each year by Southport BID for families to enjoy and is owned and installed by Southport firm IllumiDex UK Ltd.

On Christmas Eve, IllumiDex UK Ltd asked people to keep a lookout for any issues after the tree was vandalised over the past couple of weeks.

Director Steve Clayton said: “They have ripped the wires out, damaged cables and have smashed beer bottles inside. There is broken glass everywhere.

“It is a mess. An absolute disaster.

“In this Christmas period, these people have ruined things for everyone else.

“I feel sick. I really do. ILMEX, the Spanish company which builds these trees, has them all over the world. This does not happen anywhere else. I cannot comprehend how anyone could do this.

“Some of the damage they have done to the tree is beyond repair.

“There will be fingerprints on the glass. Police will be able to dab those and take prints from them.

“We have contacted the police and we will prosecute. This has got to stop.

“We are looking at CCTV footage of two females at the tree at around 6.30am this morning. We want people to try and identify who they are.

“If anyone saw this vandalism happening, or if you know who has done this damage, please contact the police and let them know.

“Please help us to catch those responsible.”

Southport BID and IllumDex UK Ltd have also provided illuminated Christmas trees at Ocean Plaza and Central 12 retail parks in Southport.

If you spot any damage to any of Southport’s Christmas trees please call police on 999. If you have any information on anyone who has been causing damage please call police on 101. You can contact IllumiDex via their website here: