Vandals set fire to Crosby Lakeside portaloo's

A spokesperson for Sefton Council said: “It is extremely disappointing to see the destruction of the portaloo facilities at Crosby.

"Not only does this now reduce the number of toilets available for the public to use on upcoming busy days, the Council will also have to meet the costs of replacing the damage caused, which is funding that now cannot be used to make other improvements for residents and visitors.

"Fires are not permitted anywhere along our natural coast. Not only do they pose a risk of harm to people, but fires can also devastate the rare and protected habitats we are so lucky to have here in Sefton.

"Council staff will visit the site to assess the extent of the damage and the repairs now needed.

"As with any act of vandalism, the police have now been informed. If anyone has any information, please contact Merseyside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."