Volunteer sought to help scrutinise council's decisions

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Are you passionate about local government and want to help make sure the right decisions are being made?

Sefton Council is offering a unique opportunity for someone with the right professional background and expertise to sit on its Audit and Governance Committee.

Meeting around five times a year, the Audit and Governance Committee's role is to consider and approve the Council’s accounts, internal control systems, risk management and corporate governance issues, as set out in the council’s Constitution.

Cllr Lappin, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services, said:  “Proper audit and governance is the backbone of an effective public body and local democracy.

“Our Audit and Governance Committee scrutinises many aspects of the Council’s work and ensures we are meeting the high standards of transparency and accountability that we set ourselves and in which we take pride.”

The successful candidate will sit as an independent member of the committee, which has a clear annual work programme that reflects its role within the organisation. They will act in an advisory position, objectively scrutinising a range of issues to help the Committee carry out its duties.

Cllr Dave Robinson, Chair of Sefton Council’s Audit and Governance Committee, said:  “We would expect an independent member serving on the committee to be integral to its work.

 “They need the right skills and experience to fulfil the role and to provide clear support and guidance and, where appropriate, challenging decisions while supporting the council in delivering its objectives.” 

“Adopting a politically neutral perspective in the Committee is compulsory and we expect the successful candidate to conduct themselves with the highest levels of integrity, openness and honesty.

“While undertaking this role, all efforts will be made to ensure we assist in your personal development and provide training opportunities where possible.”

Anyone who is interested in applying for the role can request an application pack by calling 0151 934 2181 or by email via [email protected]