West Lancashire Prepares Warm Welcome for Edge Hill University Students


West Lancashire Welcomes Edge Hill University Students for 2024
The West Lancashire Community Safety Partnership (WLCSP) is delighted to welcome both new and returning Edge Hill University students to the Borough during this year’s Welcome Week, which officially begins on Monday 30 September 2024. 

In preparation for the academic year, the partnership, which is led by West Lancashire Borough Council, but relies on a range of partner agencies including Lancashire Police, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, local councillors, Edge Hill University, and the Edge Hill Students' Union etc., has worked hard to ensure a smooth transition for students settling into their new home. 

Edge Hill University will kick off Induction Week for new undergraduate students on Monday 30 September following a warm Welcome Weekend on 28 and 29 September. 

During Welcome Weekend, students living on campus will begin moving in, marking the start of their journey at the University. 

Paul Charlson, Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services and Chair of WLCSP said: “Partnership working is at the heart of everything we do in West Lancashire, and the collaboration between the Council, Edge Hill University, and our invaluable local partners is key to ensuring a positive outcome for both students and residents.  

“By working together, we aim to create a welcoming environment where students can thrive academically while integrating respectfully into the community, creating a sense of pride and belonging for everyone involved." 

The West Lancashire Community Safety Partnership is working closely with Edge Hill University to promote key messages that support responsible community integration. 

Aiming to create positive relationships between students and residents, the partnership will provide guidance and advice to students, both on and off-campus.  

One of the initiatives includes a letter drop, offering important information to students residing off-campus, reminding them of their responsibilities as citizens of the Borough. 

Councillor Gareth Dowling, Deputy Leader and lead member for Planning and Community Safety, said: "We are delighted to welcome Edge Hill University students to West Lancashire. The Council, along with our partners, have been working hard to make sure students feel safe, informed, and welcomed.  

“We encourage students to engage with the local community and take pride in being part of West Lancashire and we welcome their contribution locally with custom and employment in Ormskirk and beyond, volunteering with sports clubs, community groups and charities and undertaking work placements in schools, healthcare and other settings across our borough." 

Lancashire Police and Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service will also be on hand to support the initiative, offering safety advice and helping students understand how they can contribute to the wellbeing of the community. 

Lancashire Police will provide enhanced patrols during Welcome Week, offering safety advice to students and reassurance to the local community.