West Lancashire Residents Urged to Bolster Home Security due to Increased Theft


Recently, there has been an increase in reports of burglaries and thefts in West Lancashire.
We want to reassure you that we are investigating these reports, and we also want to remind you of a few things that you can do to make it as hard as possible for opportunistic criminals to strike:

 Close and lock your doors and windows when you go out, even if you are just in the garden. Check doors and windows before going to bed.

 Always use good quality padlocks with covers on all outbuildings so they cannot be easily cut off.
  Make sure side gates / sheds / garages are locked and keep boundary fences, walls and gates in good repair.

 Install security lighting and / or CCTV cameras around your property where possible; they are a great deterrent.
  Don’t leave keys where they can be seen or reached through the letter box.
  Always lock your car and don’t leave things like shopping bags on display.
For more advice on how to keep your home and property safe and secure, visit   https://orlo.uk/J344Y