Woman receives life imprisonment sentence for gruesome murder


are welcoming the sentencing of a woman to life imprisonment, with a minimum term of 17 years, after she murdered her partner in Litherland last year.

Joanne Moran, 43, of Bridge Road, Litherland, was found guilty of the murder of Jonathan Gibbons following a trial held at Liverpool Crown Court.

At around 4.45am on 30 October 2022, officers received a report that a 50-year-old man had been stabbed in the chest at a property on Bridge Road.

Mr Gibbons was taken to hospital with a serious life-threatening injury and sadly died later that day. 

Moran denied murder but was found guilty by a jury today (Wednesday 12 April).

Detective Chief Inspector Matt Caton said: “It is pleasing to see that Moran will have plenty of time behind bars to reflect on her actions on that tragic day. Her violent actions led to the death of a man who will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

“I hope this sentencing brings them some comfort in this very difficult time and that they feel that justice has been served. I would like to take this opportunity to pass my condolences to the family and friends of Mr Gibbons and hope that this sentence will give them a sense of closure and allow them to grieve the loss of a loved one.

“Domestic abuse is a shocking and reprehensible crime and it is never acceptable, irrespective of who it affects.

“Merseyside Police has a longstanding commitment to ensuring reports of domestic abuse are thoroughly investigated and offenders prosecuted. We are also committed to giving wraparound support to all survivors.

“We know that this is not an issue that the police can tackle alone which is why we will continue to work with our partners to develop and use all available tools and practices to encourage people to report domestic abuse and offer them assistance when they do.

“We are also focusing on evidence-led prosecutions which can be used in situations where the victim may decide that they don’t want to press charges.

“I cannot stress how important it is that anyone who finds themselves in a violent or controlling relationship doesn’t stay silent but finds the courage to speak to someone about it. You are not alone and there is a lot of help available, both via Merseyside Police and our partner organisations, so please take that first step.

“I would also encourage neighbours and friends of those that are suffering from domestic abuse to speak up. Trust your instincts - if something you’ve seen or heard doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. By knowing the signs of domestic abuse, you could help a friend, colleague or family member. Domestic abuse isn’t just physical – it can be emotional, physical, sexual, financial or controlling behaviour.”

Anyone with information on domestic abuse can contact @MerPolCC, 101 or @CrimestoppersUK, anonymously on 0800 555 111

If someone is in immediate danger they should dial 999 and speak to an operator but we also accept that openly speaking is not always an option.

The Silent Solution is a service which means a vulnerable person can call 999 and alert us, by pressing ’55.’ This will indicate that help is needed and we will respond.