Woodlands Animal Sanctuary Fundraising Team Brings Bert and Ernie to Botanic Gardens Family Fun Day


This Sunday, 18th June, the fundraising team from Woodlands Animal Sanctuary, including Bert and Ernie will be at Botanic Gardens Family Fun Day in Southport, from 10 – 4pm.  A great day out for all the family with dancing, rides, music, attractions and of course, food, drink, stalls and much more.  It is free entry, but some of the attractions are chargeable, so remember to bring some cash for spending.  There is limited parking on the street and car park to the rear, but Botanic Gardens are advising you to leave your car at home if possible.

Bert and Ernie, two of the animal charity’s goats, are seasoned professionals when it comes to meeting people and they know just how to search your pockets for any sweet, or savory treats that may be lurking there!  Donating towards the work Woodlands Animal Sanctuary does, means you will be directly contributing towards the animal rescue be able to continue to accept cats, from families who find themselves in crisis and are no longer able to keep their beloved kitty, as well as those who have been abandoned, in various states of ill health.  Funding, their veterinary care, the often specialist food, heating and litter, can cost the charity over £100 per cat, and that is if the cat is in quite good health and can be rehomed in around a month.

As well as the cats and kittens, Woodlands is home to 6 goats, a donkey, 4 ponies and numerous hens and ducks, plus the odd guinea pig every now and again.

As well as opening their doors to animals in need, the team at Woodlands offer volunteering & education opportunities to work with the animals and to reap the benefits working with animals has on both physical and mental health.

Visit their website to see all the wonderful cats they have, who are waiting for their loving forever home.  www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk