Woodlands Animal Sanctuary near Southport direct appeal for help

woodlands poster

A direct appeal for YOUR help.
Woodlands Animal Sanctuary in West Lancashire is really starting to feel the pinch in the cost of
living crisis. Not only have donations dropped significantly but costs have risen at a dramatic rate.

The sanctuary has seen a huge decline in donations and has already had to take some big action to
stay open. The wildlife unit had to be closed earlier in the year along with more staff redundancies.
The charity still cares hundreds of animals every year. The demand on the charity resource grows
every day as more people come forward to give up their cats.

The Charity is currently running with just over a month’s running costs and the bank balance
continues to drop day by day. This is an urgent and desperate plea for the public’s help. Without
help the sanctuary could well face closure. Closure is clearly the very last resort but funds need to
stabilise to give the sanctuary a certain future.

So far in 2022 the sanctuary has rehomed 211 cats and cared for 122 Hedgehogs. It cares for 6
equines, 6 goats and multitude of farm birds.

What help can you give?

There are a multiple ways to help.
 One off donations
 Weekly or monthly Standing orders
 Sponsor an animal
 Book an experience
 Donate unwanted clothes
 Fundraise for us
 Corporate funding opportunities
 Payroll giving

If you can you help us in any way please get in touch. The sanctuary needs you now, more than ever.