Woodlands Animal Sanctuary near Southport wish you a happy and healthy 2022

The New Year is here, and whether you are embracing change and a ‘new you’ or you actually quite like you just as you are, Woodlands Animal Sanctuary would like to wish you all the very best for 2022 and hope you will join them on their continuing quest to relieve the suffering of pets & wildlife in their local area.

If you would like to make a difference this year and contribute towards a worthy, local cause, a simple monthly payment to Woodlands would make a huge difference to this local animal rescue who have been fighting harder and longer than ever before, to not only keep up with the demand on their services, but to be able to fund these services sufficiently.

A monthly donation may not change the world – but you can be sure it will make the world of difference to the animals who benefit from it.

It couldn’t be easier to set up either through Give as you Live on the charity’s website and they will receive 100% of your donation.  www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk/donate/ 

If you would like to find out more about Woodlands, the work they do and the ways they aim to raise the funds they need to continue their life saving work visit their website:  www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk or follow them on their social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.