Woodlands Animal Sanctuary near Southport.The power of a Legacy

Would you like to leave a lasting effect for a cause you feel passionately about?  Leaving a legacy in your Will can do just this.  Woodlands Animal Sanctuary would like to ask you to think about leaving a sum of money to them, or a charity you feel strongly about in your Will.  Woodlands have in the past received legacies of varying amounts from their supporters, and the difference these legacies make cannot be underestimated.  

It is important to make your wishes clear in your Will and a solicitors can always ensure this for you.  Local firm, Dickinson, Parker Hill in Ormskirk are a perfect example of this.

Lagacies make up a significant proportion of a lot of charities financial strategies and enable lifesaving work to continue, future plans & improvements to be made, as well as new projects to get off the ground.  All these aspects are key if a charity is to continue its important work and Woodlands is no different.

Knowing that your legacy enables work that is dear to your heart to continue, can be such a comfort in the darkest and most sad of times.  So, if you think this is something you would like to do, you can visit Woodlands website:  https://www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk/getinvolved/ to find out more or speak to your solicitor.