Work on Ainsdale Beach in Southport car park delayed by Council


Cllr Lynne Thompson commented...

Due to unforeseen circumstances Sefton Council have informed me they intend to delay the tender process for works to deliver an off-beach car park.

Because Ainsdale on Sea is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation, Sefton Council have a commitment to protect.

Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service, and other consultees, have raised concerns about the specialist survey of the site carried out by external consultants, a decision has been made to undertake a new survey and assessment. The planning application to progress the visitor improvements will be resumed later this year once the new surveys are complete

Plans to improve toilet and wash facilities at the beach are continuing. Including a full refurbishment of the building, the reintroduction of shower facilities, drinking water and an accessible Changing Places toilet installation

Plans for the car park will only progress once further surveys have been carried out .Potential developer interest in the Sands Hotel, and the future of Toad Hall still being evaluated In the meantime, following storm damage last year, some further repair works to Toad Hall will be starting in the next few weeks.