WW2 shell found on Formby Beach Bomb squad detonate it


The National Trust commented...

As Formby’s dunes naturally roll back pieces of history are exposed. Over the weekend the team were made aware of this full-sized shell, likely to be from around the time of WW2.

Thank you to the visitor who spotted and reported the shell. We'd also like to thank the HM Coastguard Southport, Merseyside Police and Bomb Squad for carrying out a controlled detonation of the device to make the area safe.

 All kinds of interesting things wash up on the beach or get exposed by the tide from the dunes. In amongst the treasures there can be harmful bits and pieces too.

If you find a suspicious item on the beach that you believe to be ordnance please keep a safe distance, call 999 and ask for the Police or Coastguard. If you see one of the NT Formby team out and about on site please let them know too.

Pic National Trust