Youngest band in contest through to Southport Battle of the Bands final


Youngest band in contest through to Southport Battle of the Bands final...along with the roof-raising Slick Cupid

If proof were needed that live music has been reignited in Southport then you had to look no further than Friday's first semi-final of the town's Battle of the Bands, writes Martin Hovden.

Four excellent bands fought it out for the two places available in the final later this month – and to be honest I would have been happy to see all four make it through. Each displayed excellent musicianship plus stage presence in abundance in the packed Banff club in West Street.

But, it's a contest and many congratulations to The Coneheads – at 17 the youngest band in the competition – who were sent through on the audience vote after delivering an exciting and lively set of original songs, with the odd cover thrown in (including of course Teenage Kicks). And the talented lads – Luke, Joe and Joel – have the unique honour of having FOUR interviews featured in the videos I'm making of each stage.

As guest judge I had to pick the second band to go through and I just had to go for the guys of Southport punk pop outfit Slick Cupid. Once again, we were treated to a 30-minute set of non-stop, hugely entertaining and uplifting music. The place really rocks (complete with mosh pit) when these lads are on stage and I never tire of seeing them.

Sour Note and Twilight Avenue can hold their heads high after being pipped at the post for the final two places. They should very proud of their performances. The audience result was very close, in fact a difference of just two votes. I know we're going to see these two bands again in the future and I look forward to following and reporting on their progress.

And I must give mention again to the hardest working musician on the night – the very talented and likeable Ged Teevan. He's lead guitarist with Sour Note, the first band of the night. Sadly, their drummer couldn't make it so Ged played not only guitar but also the kick-drum. And at the end of the night he was back on stage with his second band, Slick Cupid. 

Throughout the evening, many people commented on how the competition has kick-started the local live music scene – and this just the beginning, with more live music nights planned at the Banff in the weeks and months to come. Watch this space.

It was also great to catch up on the night with some of the stars of the town's golden age of live music, including Lewis Hopson, drummer with Driven Overboard – who won the Band Royale contest at the Fox and Goose about 10 years ago, plus Jon Davidson, former guitarist with Same Old Monday. I first saw Same OldMonday at the Cafe Matisse in Cambridge Walks more than a decade ago. Jon now lives in Manchester and Same Old Monday went on to become the basis of...Slick Cupid.

My thanks as always to compere Dave Aston, one of the organisers of the contest along with Hayden Birch and Martin White.

My video of the night features live performances and interviews with all four bands, plus a chat with the Banff's manager Nial Carloss, and I'll release that Sunday/Monday.

Meanwhile, don't miss the second semi-final next Friday, 12 August, with Some Time Today, Lazy Sundaze, Soul Captain and The Coast. Doors open at 7.30pm with admission at just £3.